Repetitive Motion And Other Body Part Injuries Pay attention to pain in hands, wrists or other body parts Use the right tool for the task to avoid unnecessary stress on body parts Never use your hand to hammer or pound things into place Take frequent breaks to stretch fatigued muscles Change hand and body positions often, especially if your body is in an awkward position Maintain a healthy body Use good posture and correct technique If available, use the correct size tool for your body Seek medical help if you experience numbness or tingling of a body part ...

Band Saw Safety Band saws use a powered and rotating continuous metal blade to make even and precise cuts on metal, wood, and other objects. Because the moving blade has cutting teeth, serious injury and even death can occur if you use a band saw incorrectly. This is why band saw safety is key. Get training on safe band saw use. Read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Always wear safety glasses when you use a band saw. They protect your sight in case pieces of stock fly off or the saw blade breaks and injures your eye. Tie back your hair, remove...

Proper Lifting Most of us forget the importance of our backs for the enjoyment of a normal, happy and successful life. However, the back contains one of the most critical muscle groups in the body, as well as the spinal cord and associated vertebrae and discs. Everyone working in the building industry must lift materials to either put them into place or to expedite from one location to another. Back injuries are cumulative; a lot of small injuries lead up to the big one. Therefore, it is important to remember the key elements of proper lifting. Guide for Discussion Preparing to Lift Do you...

Ammonia Safety Ammonia is a commonly used chemical in commercial and household cleaners. In industry, ammonia is used in petroleum refining, to manufacture pharmaceuticals, to disinfect water, and as a refrigerant. In agriculture, ammonia can be used for crop processing, fertilizers, or as an anti-fungal treatment for citrus. Ammonia can also be produced naturally when stored materials such as manure, compost, or other materials break down. Ammonia can be mixed with water and sold as ammonium hydroxide, or used in compressed gas as anhydrous ammonia (meaning without water). Workers in all industries should know that, despite its common usage, ammonia poses health...

Heavy Equipment Hazards The use of heavy equipment on a jobsite is vital and necessary to the overall success of the construction project. However, unauthorized or unwise use of heavy equipment can result in personal injury, loss of life, or severe loss to materials needed to complete the project. Today we will discuss some key points to keep in mind when working around heavy equipment. Guide for Discussion Workers Always be alert to the position of the equipment around you. Only authorized personnel are to operate the equipment. Never ride the equipment unless it is designed to be ridden. Always keep away from...

Cruise Control Driving Cruise control can be used to automatically control the speed in your vehicle (usually over 25-35 miles per hour) without keeping your foot on the accelerator. It is a great tool to prevent driver fatigue, speeding, and help with fuel economy during long trips on flat, straight roads and highways. Cruise control can cause accidents if you use it improperly or in hazardous road conditions such as city streets, heavy traffic, hills, winding roads, and wet, slippery roads. Controlling the speed of your car with your fingertips on cruise control lets you take your foot off the accelerator and...

Personal Protective Equipment - PPE, Clothing The proper work clothing can make a job a lot easier and safer. Most workers never really think much about what they are wearing, but they should. It is very important to dress for the weather since most of the work is done outside or in areas without any climate control. A PPE assessment should have been completed prior to the job starting. Workers should be informed of what PPE is required on this specific job site. Guide for Discussion: The following items should help each worker how to dress properly: Weather Know the day’s forecast. Be prepared...

Caught or Crush Injuries Each year, workers suffer approximately 125,000 caught or crushed by injuries that occur when body parts get caught between two objects or entangled with machinery. These hazards are also referred to as “pinch points.” The physical forces applied to a body part caught in a pinch point can vary and cause injuries ranging from bruises, cuts, and scalping to mangled and amputated body parts, and even death. Workers in field, industrial, and office settings are all affected by caught or crush hazards to some degree. Get training and learn about the caught/crush hazards and pinch points specific to...

Mobile Scaffolds Serious injuries and, in some cases, deaths have been known to result from failure to recognize known scaffolding hazards and guard against them. Scaffolding has been one of the primary tools used to perform elevated work in the construction industry. Scaffolds are useful because they allow you to gain access to work areas that are above floor level while providing a work platform. However, because of the design and configuration of mobile scaffolds—sometimes referred to as Baker scaffolds—they can become unstable when supporting a load. One of the greatest hazards associated with mobile scaffolds is the risk of overturning. Workers who...

Driving Distracted? Driving down the road is no longer a lonely, quiet experience. With cellular phones, two-way radios, and stereos, the interior of your vehicle no longer offers a quiet place to focus on driving. These days with everyone’s life so busy, paying attention while driving can be difficult. Have you ever been driving down the road and suddenly you notice you don’t remember the last three miles you traveled? Although your attention may only be diverted for a split second, the ever-changing variables of the road and other vehicles can make you instantly vulnerable to accidents. The following rules can help you concentrate...