Food Handling Food handling in restaurants, catering firms, food service vendors, fast food chains and grocery store kitchens involves a variety of cooking and preparation techniques. Chefs, cooks, and food service workers need to be aware of hazards in the kitchen to serve safety with their cuisine. Kitchens can be busy, hectic places, so watch workers and the workflow to prevent slips, trips and falls. Have designated entry and exit doors. Walk in the kitchen area; don’t run. Place mirrors in areas that may have blind corners. Warn other workers when you are behind them or “coming through.” Service may need to...

Cuts, Lacerations, and Punctures Cuts, lacerations, and punctures are common injuries in the meat packing and butchering industry.  Knives, slicers, grinders, and sharp bones are all potential hazards that can be minimized with the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), inspections, and safe work practices. Cuts are usually clean openings in the skin while lacerations have jagged edges.  Punctures create shallow or deep holes in the skin.  Cuts and lacerations often have free flowing blood while puncture wounds often close on their own, reducing bleeding.  For shallow puncture wounds, remove the object if it is small and easy to do so.  If...

Tire Wear, 4 Ways to Check for Safety The condition of your tires is one of the most important mechanical factors in vehicle safety. There are four ways you can check the tire wear and improve the safety and performance of your tires. Keep tires properly inflated. Check them at least monthly to notice if tire pressure appears to be getting low. Incorrect tire pressure can cause uneven tire wear, poor handling, excessive heat build up, and possible tire failure. Check your vehicle manual for recommended tire pressures. If you have new tires installed, check their pressure. Recommended tire pressures can vary...

Asbestos in Construction What is Asbestos? Asbestos is the name given to a group of naturally occurring minerals. Asbestos in construction differs from other minerals, in that it forms long thin fibers instead of crystals. There are six different minerals, divided into two groups, included in the asbestos family. The two groups are Serpentine and Amphibole, and are based on the differences of their crystalline structure. Serpentine forms a sheet or layered structure. Amphiboles form a chain-like structure. Asbestos fibers are naturally occurring and stay airborne very well. Where do you find asbestos? Asbestos is used in many products because of their high tensile...

Gas Cylinder Safety Gas cylinders require special safety precautions. Know what the chemical is inside the cylinder in order to work with it safely. Be aware of the mechanical hazards associated with keeping the chemical under pressure in a metal cylinder. Chemicals contained in gas cylinders may be flammable, corrosive, poisonous, inert, or a combination of any of these. Read the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for the chemicals in each cylinder you store and use. Understand the concentration of the chemical, the amount, and the storage pressure to work with it safely. The SDS should provide you information on proper storage and segregation...

Rebar / Impalement Protection Steel reinforcing bars, or rebar, are a common hazard on construction sites. The thin steel bars can stick out from construction projects and pose a hazard to workers who can cut or scratch themselves on the sharp ends. Workers that stumble or fall onto the exposed steel bars can be pierced or impaled on them, resulting in serious internal injuries and death. To protect workers from this hazard, OSHA requires that rebar and other projections on the worksite "be guarded to eliminate the hazard of impalement." Guarding from rebar impalement hazards must be done when workers will be...

Demolition Safety Planning Planning for a demolition project is just as important as actually doing the work. According to OSHA, a qualified person experienced in all phases of the demolition should conduct the demolition planning. Consider the following when planning any demolition project: The planning methods that will be used to bring the structure down The necessary equipment to do the job Proper permits and public utility notifications Prior to the Start of a Demolition Project The engineer must complete a written survey to determine if there are any hazardous substances in the structure, and asses the condition of the floors, walls, and framing to...

Metal Plating Safety Metal plating puts metals such as tin, zinc, nickel, chrome, silver, gold, etc. onto a surface to change or protect it. The plating method depends on the surface, the metal(s), and the finished product, but there are common hazards that workers need to know. Chemicals are used to prepare, clean, and degrease the surface before plating. They are also used to apply the metal, clean, and polish the product. You MUST get training in chemical safety and proper work procedures. Read the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) to understand the hazards and safe use of the chemicals. Know how to...

Contractor Safety Knowing the Basics of Contractor Safety is important, contractors perform services at employer worksites, a detailed contract and contractor safety program protects the health and safety of both employees and contractors. The employer and the contractor share an obligation to communicate planned work activities, the hazards involved, and the contracted tasks, as well as the training, tools, and equipment that all employees will need. Before agreeing to work with a contractor, review the following data that gives insight to their safety culture and performance: History of safety and environmental regulation violations. Injury and loss history. Total Recordable Incident Rate. Experience...

Safe Handling and Storage of Dry Ice Dry Ice is frozen Carbon Dioxide.  Unlike most solids, it does not melt into a liquid, but instead changes directly into a gas. Handling Instructions: The temperature of Dry Ice is extremely cold at -78˚ C. Do not allow Dry Ice to touch bare skin.  Dry Ice in contact with skin may result in frostbite.  Prolonged exposure will cause severe frostbite. Always wear protective gloves whenever handling Dry Ice. Children must not handle Dry Ice.  Adults only. Storage Instructions: Dry Ice will sublimate into Carbon Dioxide (CO2) gas. Store Dry Ice in an insulated container.  The...