Firework Safety Tips Never allow children to play with or ignite fireworks, including sparklers Make sure fireworks are legal in your area before buying or using them Keep a bucket of water or hose handy in case of fire Light fireworks one at a time, then move back quickly Never place any part of your body directly over a fireworks device when lighting the fuse. Move to a safe distance immediately after lighting fireworks Never try to re-light or pick up fireworks that did not fully ignite Never point or throw fireworks, including sparklers, at anyone After fireworks complete their...

Hand Injuries Hand injuries account for 80 percent of all occupational injuries. This is because the hands are engaged in almost all activities on the job. Can you imagine any occupation that does not make use of the hand? Hands are so important because of their utility. They provide us with the dexterity needed to perform most daily activities. In fact, hands, as tools, are so versatile and can perform many intricate functions more than any single known tool developed by man. No wonder hands are highly useful in our jobs. There are many dangerous conditions on the job to which...

The GFCI At Work And Home Definition: GFCI = Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter. The GFCI is a fast-acting circuit breaker that senses small imbalances in an electrical circuit caused by the electrical current leaking to ground. If this imbalance occurs, the GFCI shuts off the electricity within a fraction of a second. How it works: The GFCI device continually matches the amount of current going to an electrical device against the amount of current returning from the device along the electrical circuit path. Whenever the amount "going" differs from the amount "returning" by approximately 5 milliamps, the GFCI interrupts the electric power...

Safe Attitudes A story about safe attitudes. I was in a shipyard when I observed a worker perched precariously high and above the ground on a structural member. The Safety Manager signed time out and said, "Let's talk about this." The worker replied angrily, "Are we here to play safety or to build ships?" Fortunately for everyone, including himself, this employee was soon gone. Think about this man's attitude toward safety. We probably agree that his outlook was negative. Negative attitudes toward safety lead to negative results -- accidents. Experience has shown us that all the safety training and equipment in...

Lockout Tagout - Remember to Lockout and Tagout Anyone who operates, cleans, services, adjusts, and repairs machinery or equipment should be aware of the hazards associated with that machinery. Any powered machinery or electrical equipment that can move in a way that would put people in danger is a hazard that can be prevented by lockout tagout procedures. Failure to lock out or tag power sources on equipment can result in electrocutions, amputations, and other serious-sometimes fatal-accidents. What are the most common causes of these accidents? The machine or piece of equipment was not completely shut off before a maintenance or repair...

General Safety - It's Your Decision Most of us like to get our work done with the least amount of effort, and as quickly as possible. We all want to get the most work out of the energy we use on the job. This is good because it often results in discovering newer and more efficient ways of getting our job done. This energy-saving attitude can also be bad if we make a wrong decision and take dangerous shortcuts. All of us at some time or another have exposed ourselves to possible injury by taking a shortcut when, with a little extra...

Flammable Liquids - Gasoline Gasoline is the most common flammable liquid manufactured and used. Because virtually everyone uses gasoline it is often assumed that everyone is familiar with its dangerous properties. However, as familiarity breeds contempt (or at least carelessness) it may be a good idea to review this highly hazardous material. Here are some brief but important items to remember when dealing with gasoline. Gasoline as a liquid does not burn. It is the vapors that the liquid gives off that burn. Vapors usually can not be seen but frequently travel long distances to a source of ignition. Thus the...

Eye Protection Preserve Your Vision As you leave the workplace today, look up, down and all around, observing the beauty around you. See the blue sky, the many shades of leaves in the trees, and the different birds that occupy them. When you get home, watch your children playing in the yard and pay attention to how their eyes light up when Daddy or Mommy gets home. Have you ever stopped to think how wonderful your eyesight really is? Well, think about it. For about two minutes, close your eyes completely and contemplate how life would be if you lost your eyesight!...

Safe Operations Of Forklifts Forklifts are a very important part of material handling in many industries. They are also a source of serious accidents. All personnel who operate forklifts must be trained and certified in safe operation at least once every three (3) years. The training includes both classroom and vehicle operation. The instructor administers written and driving tests. Here are some basic safety rules to remember when operating a forklift. OPERATOR RESPONSIBILITY The operator is in charge of his/her own vehicle. As such, they are responsible for their own safety, vehicle, load, company property and equipment and other employees or pedestrians. ...

Electrical Sources In Hazardous Areas An explosion or fire can cause all sorts of havoc in any company's operations. Rebuilding, after a fire, can take a company years. One of the major causes of explosions and fire in industry is from electrical sources. Potential losses from these fires can be reduced by having proper electrical installations and equipment. Hazardous locations require specially designed electrical equipment to protect people and property against increased fire potential. Certain electrical components and instruments are engineered specifically for locations designated as hazardous due to the possible presence of ignitable quantities of flammable liquids, gases, vapors, combustible dusts,...