Springtime Yard & Field Maintenance Many industries are coming into their busiest season now--often with increased outdoor work in equipment yards, outside shops, or storage areas. Before peak activities begin is a good time to organize, repair, and clean up these areas. Time to accomplish this will probably be scarce later on. The following checklist may make this job easier: Are chemicals kept in an outside storage facility? If so, are the following in place? Is the written Hazcom Program complete and available to employees? Have all employees been trained in chemical handling and spill clean-up? Are spill clean-up materials available, and...

Housekeeping Is An Important Part Of Your Job Housekeeping is everyone's job! Your employer is not your mother! What do I mean by that, you ask? I mean, just like when you were young, your mother had to remind you to pick up after yourself. Now that you are on your own, you still need to be told sometimes. Housekeeping is a very important part of your job. Not only does it improve the overall appearance of your shop or work area, it shows that you take pride in where you work. The best way that you can help keep your...

Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls Did you know that slips, trips and falls are second only to automobile accidents in causing personal injury? On stairways alone, falls result in almost two million disabling injuries yearly. There are thousands more minor injuries caused by slips, trips, and falls each year. Most alarming of all is the fact that industrial falls cause over 1,000 deaths each year. Slips occur when there is too little friction between a person’s feet and the walking surface. Many factors can cause a slip. Ice, oil, water, cleaning fluids, and other slippery substances are probably the most obvious causes....

Office Safety - It Only Takes a Minute Yes – even working in an office can have its own hazards. Often we think about how dangerous it is to drive a truck, sandblast a building, removing asbestos, but even people who work in offices can get hurt. Let's review some of the situations that increase exposure to injury and what we can do about them: Watch where you are going. Avoid walking and reading at the same time. If it is important enough to read, then stop and read it. Trips, slips and falls can be hazardous. Close that file drawer. Never...

Watch Your Step!! Don't Slip & Fall Slips and falls are one of the most frequent causes of accidents, both on and off the job. Each year in the United States, more than 300,000 people suffer disabling injuries from falls. Slips and falls can be fatal as well; they rank second only to automobile accidents, causing nearly 12,000 deaths a year. To avoid getting hurt from falls, avoid rushing and remember the following: WATCH WHERE YOU WALK Be aware of where you are walking. Look down continuously for spilled liquids, materials, equipment, changing surface levels, etc. Make sure the area is well-lit or...

Housekeeping Lack of proper housekeeping on the job is one safety hazard common to all construction projects until after final cleanup. Good housekeeping is one item that can help improve not only the safety on the job, but also the morale and productivity of the job. Guide for Discussion The following “General Rules” should be covered in any discussion on housekeeping: Keep scrap lumber with protruding nails separate from other debris; Bend nails over or remove from lumber. Keep all waste debris in neat piles and away from the immediate work area. Remove debris from the job on a regular basis. Keep aisles,...

Effects of Weather There is one element in the construction business that we have no control over—the elements— the weather. However, we can control how the weather affects the safety of a project. Guide for Discussion Wind: Can blow dust in your eyes. Can blow materials and people off scaffolds, roofs or higher floors. Can blow down poorly braced formwork or newly framed walls. Lightning: Often electrical storms occur without any rain. Therefore are very dangerous. Be sure to stay away from any type of tall object. If working around iron or rebar and lighting is seen, clear the area. Rain, Sleet, Ice and Snow: All four are wet,...

Loading Dock Safety While a loading dock is an important utility infrastructure commonly found in commercial and industrial buildings, it can be a potentially dangerous place for anyone that works on or around the area. From 2004 to 2014, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) investigated 209 injuries and nearly half were fatalities. Loading Dock Hazards The loading dock area must be inspected regularly to identify potential hazards that may include: Slips, trips and falls caused by floor conditions, poor housekeeping, or dock edge. Forklifts overturning. Pedestrian and powered truck collision. Trailer creep, which can cause a gap between the trailer and...