CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) Carbon monoxide is a clear, odorless, heavier-than-air gas that is created by inefficient combustion emissions. The most common sources in industry are gasoline or diesel-powered pressure washers, air compressors, forklifts or other petroleum-fired machinery. The chemical makeup of CO is a carbon molecule linked to an oxygen molecule. The carbon molecule makes CO heavier than air and will not allow the lungs to absorb oxygen into the bloodstream. Without oxygen, you will slowly suffocate to death. What does this mean for workers? As the CO fills the space, it displaces oxygen and will affect workers as follows: Slight headache and...

Insect & Spider Bites Each year many workers experience insect and spider bites serious enough to make them lose time off the job. If you are stung by a bee, remove the stinger gently (with tweezers, if possible) and avoid squeezing the poison sac.  Apply an ice pack or a cloth dipped in cold water to reduce swelling and itching.  A sting from a yellow jacket can be deadly.  These insects feed on dead animals and can cause blood poisoning.  If you have an allergic reaction to a bite, get medical help immediately. Of spiders causing serious medical problems only the black widow...