Auto Repair Safety - Automobile Repair Services Automobile repair services include inspections, maintenance, and repairs to vehicles. Repairs may require computer analysis, fluid changes, parts changes, or major mechanical work, exposing workers to fire and explosion hazards, chemicals, ergonomic strains, awkward postures, and tool and machinery safety concerns. Get the proper training you need to safely use your equipment and tools. Get training, read, and understand the material safety data sheet on the chemicals you use. Know where emergency exits and equipment are located. Get fire extinguisher training. Emergency eyewash stations and showers should be available, easily accessible, and ready to use...

Heavy Equipment Hazards The use of heavy equipment on a jobsite is vital and necessary to the overall success of the construction project. However, unauthorized or unwise use of heavy equipment can result in personal injury, loss of life, or severe loss to materials needed to complete the project. Today we will discuss some key points to keep in mind when working around heavy equipment. Guide for Discussion Workers Always be alert to the position of the equipment around you. Only authorized personnel are to operate the equipment. Never ride the equipment unless it is designed to be ridden. Always keep away from...