Hard Hats Shall = Mandatory.  Should = Advisory. There really isn't any excuse for not wearing hard hats on jobs that require it. The miracles of chemistry and manufacturing have turned out head protection to fit every need and about every taste. The colors are attractive and have proved to be positive factors in morale and in comfort. In some cases, the type of job a crew performs is identified by the color of its hard hats. This type of team identification—and protection—is also used by football teams, pilots in Air Force units and other groups. The color of a hard hat...

Protective Headwear One serious blow to the head can leave an otherwise strong and healthy person permanently brain-damaged or disabled for life. At best, a blow on the head can give you a whopper of a headache. Therefore, it is crucial to protect it from the impact of falling objects, painful bumps, and in some cases, from high-voltage electric shock. ANSI-approved head protection is generally required when there is "a potential for head injury from falling or moving objects" and where employees' heads are exposed to electricity. Hard Hats: The American National Standards Institute has established guidelines for helmets, the latest of...

Hard Hats Your head is the most important part of your body. It contains the matter that controls your ability to think, speak, and move. So, it’s head from injury on the job. Wearing your hard hat is the first line of defense against head injury. A hard hat is meant to protect your head from the impact of falling material and accidental bumping. The hat’s suspension components act as a shock absorber and are designed to absorb or deflect a blow and distribute the impact over a large area. Even if the hat dents or shatters, it can still take some force...

Residential Wood Framing Residential wood framing exposes workers to fall hazards, power tool injuries, and other general construction hazards. Wear proper personal protective equipment for framing jobs.  Work gloves to protect your hands.  A hard hat protects your head from bumps and dropped items.  Safety glasses protect your eyes from flying debris.  Work boots with a heel and slip resistant sole prevent falls. The wood pieces used for framing can be large and heavy.  Stack job materials near the work area.  Use mechanical lifting devices or use a team to lift when you can. Don’t lift and move loads that are too heavy...

Personal Protective Equipment - Concrete Construction Concrete construction has unique requirements for the need of personal protective equipment (also called PPE). Today we are going to discuss the various types of PPE and why. Guide for Discussion Construction Common Some sort of head gear. If there is a danger of falling objects, wear a hard hat. If working in cold weather, wear a hat to keep the body warm. Eye protection. Wear safety glasses or goggles when pouring concrete. That way any splashing concrete stays out of your eyes. Gloves. It makes common sense to protect our hands as much as possible. Wearing...

Head Protection There are some practical reasons for wearing a hard hat. They help keep your head cooler in summer; dry during rain; and helps shield your ears from noise. But the main reason to wear a hard hat is that it protects the control center part of your body—your head. Guide for Discussion What a Hard Hat Does Protects you from falling objects. Protects your head in case of a fall or a bump into an object. Protects you from electrical shocks and burns if it's a non-conductive hat. It is a neat place to put stickers and decals, such as first...

Personal Protective Equipment One way to prevent injury at work is to wear proper personal protective equipment. Some protective equipment is necessary for specific jobs, while other items are necessary for any work. Employers should know the hazards their workers face on the job, then provide the proper equipment to protect against those hazards. It’s important that workers be trained on how to use and care for the equipment so it will provide maximum protection. Hard hats should be worn by all workers where there is a danger of flying, falling, and moving objects. Hard hats can mean the difference between life...