Safe Lifting Techniques Safe Lifting - Can you think of even one job or occupation where you never have to lift an object? I can't. Lifting of objects can range from very light objects such as a piece of paper, a pin or a pen to very heavy objects like loads of boxes. Lifting is very much a part of our every day jobs. And, because it is something we do so often, we tend to do it without thinking, or at least we do until we strain a muscle, or worse, hurt our backs.Lifting incorrectly can result in a variety...

Save Your Back When Working In Awkward Positions We have all been told to avoid back injury by bending our knees when we lift, keeping the load close and avoiding twisting motions. These safety rules may be appropriate for simple, direct lifting of materials, but what about back care when you are working in awkward positions? Work tasks that require you to reach or stretch away from your body while handling materials can also put excessive strain on the vertebral discs and soft tissues in the back. An awkward position is a work posture that distorts the spine from its natural curves,...

Back Injuries - What Is Your Back IQ? Back injuries are a painful, sometimes debilitating, problem in many industries. Back strains can often be avoided by reducing the size or weight of materials handled by employees, by using mechanical aids such as hoists, conveyors or hydraulic lifts, and by making certain that employees are well trained in lifting techniques. But the key to back care lies with the individual worker. Everyone should be a back care "expert" and be able to answer the following questions: Question: What's the most important lifting rule to remember? Answer:  Keep The Load Close! There are many other...

Safe Lifting Techniques Back injuries account for about one in every five job-related injuries in workplaces.  Disabling back injuries are no laughing matter for workers who lose time from work or from personal activities.  The sad truth is that most of the pain and lost time can been prevented if you are aware of how the back functions and how to lift safely to protect your back. The back is a network of fragile ligaments, discs, and muscles which can easily be thrown out of order.  The back’s complex design breaks down when it’s forced to perform activities it was not designed...