Cal/OSHA Recordkeeping and Reporting The California Division of Occupational Health (Cal/OSHA) requires recordkeeping and reporting about safety in the workplace. Required records include the OSHA 300 Log and documents about safety hazard analysis, inspections, and accident investigations. Hazard-specific regulations such as asbestos, diving, mining, etc. also have additional recordkeeping requirements. Keeping track of recordkeeping requirements is a challenge. The OSHA 300 log is probably the most familiar to workers and employers. It records all work-related deaths along with injuries and illnesses that require more than first aid treatment. An annual summary of injuries and illnesses is required to be posted in the...

Post your OSHA 300 Log All employers required to maintain the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's 300 Logs for workplace injuries and illnesses must post their 2013 annual summary by February 1, 2014, utilizing the annual summary form (form 300A). you can get this form on the OSHA website at You need to do this even if you don't have a recordable illness or injury. The direct download is here: Here are some additional details that are frequently misunderstood or overlooked and which could result in OSHA citations. Executive Certification OSHA's record-keeping standard needs to be certified by an executive. OSHA has...