Multi-employer Worksites When more than one employer operates at a single site, OSHA considers it a multi-employer worksite. A construction site is an example of a multi-employer worksite with multiple contractors assigned the work, but not all at the same time. Employers at multi-employer worksites need to know their responsibilities, assigned roles, and accountability for employee health and safety. Note that a multi-employer worksite differs from a dual-employer worksite, where an employee has two employers at the same time. For example, a temporary agency employee that is assigned to another employer’s worksite. On multi-employer worksites, all of the employers must work together...

Contractor Safety Knowing the Basics of Contractor Safety is important, contractors perform services at employer worksites, a detailed contract and contractor safety program protects the health and safety of both employees and contractors. The employer and the contractor share an obligation to communicate planned work activities, the hazards involved, and the contracted tasks, as well as the training, tools, and equipment that all employees will need. Before agreeing to work with a contractor, review the following data that gives insight to their safety culture and performance: History of safety and environmental regulation violations. Injury and loss history. Total Recordable Incident Rate. Experience...