Auto Transmission Repair Work Auto transmission repair can range from simple adjustments to parts replacements and complete overhauls. Work safely during auto transmission repair by wearing your personal protective equipment, understanding the chemicals you work with, and following safe work practices. Wear personal protective equipment during your repair work. Safety glasses prevent flying debris from damaging your eye. Side shields or goggles prevent splashes when you are working with fluids. Wear chemical resistant gloves to protect your hands and skin. Consider mechanics gloves for certain tasks to give you a better grip and prevent cuts and scrapes. Use kneepads to protect your...

Auto Repair Safety - Automobile Repair Services Automobile repair services include inspections, maintenance, and repairs to vehicles. Repairs may require computer analysis, fluid changes, parts changes, or major mechanical work, exposing workers to fire and explosion hazards, chemicals, ergonomic strains, awkward postures, and tool and machinery safety concerns. Get the proper training you need to safely use your equipment and tools. Get training, read, and understand the material safety data sheet on the chemicals you use. Know where emergency exits and equipment are located. Get fire extinguisher training. Emergency eyewash stations and showers should be available, easily accessible, and ready to use...

Auto Body Painting Safety Auto Body Painting Safety - Workers are exposed to potential health risks from volatile organic compounds (VOCs), chromates, and isocyanates during priming and painting. Read the safety data sheet (SDS) for the chemicals you use.  The SDS lists personal protective equipment you need to wear and the safe work procedures for that chemical. Isocyanates are released from some primers and paints.  Exposure to isocyanates is extremely irritating to skin, mucous membranes, the respiratory tract, and the gastrointestinal tract.  Isocyanates can cause rashes, sensitization, asthma, and even death. Hexavalent chromium can be found in the pigments of paints and primers. ...